These are some of the websites I've built using different technologies as I've learned from college to the present time. The Google Chrome Audit scores reflect my progress. My last two projects are Progressive Web Apps (PWA's), which are web applications that load like regular websites but offer functionality such as working offline.
These are some demos I've built and shared on Codepen, which is "the playground for the front-end side of the web." So these are little examples of what I've learned from other front end developers and applied as I've needed on my own projects.
SVG Line Animation
Fegodev Logo
SVG Zoom Animation
Hope FMC Logo
SVG Gradient Animation
Turstar Logo
JS Single Page Nav
Twitter Nav Simplified
These are some projects I've worked on using Adobe Creative Cloud, specifically, Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign.
Adobe Illustrator Trifold
Come to Chile, TurStar
Adobe Photoshop Montage
Because it's there
Adobe InDesign Flyer
Vouant Comms.
Microsoft Word Flyer
Hand of hope for orphans
Adobe Photoshop Flyer
Rexburg LDS Temple